Terms of Use

Thank you for using the Site (the website, (www.*)BuildAResume.chat), and it's Build App collectively referred to as the "Service". This page outlines the terms of use to access our (BuildAResume.chat's) services.


By accessing the website and all links associated with (www.*)buildaresume.chat, you, (the user, the visitor), are agreeing to be bound with the Terms and Conditions (Terms of Use), all laws and regulations governing this website and any applicable local laws.

To know more about what we do with your data, visit the Privacy Page.

If you disagree with any of the terms presented here, you may not continue using this Service.


All text (non-user-generated), graphics, user interface, logos, and code (collectively, "Content") are owned by us (BuildAResume.chat). Any user uploaded data, (PDFs, images, text), are referred to as "User Content". The content generated by the Builder, and PDFs generated by the Build App are referred to as "User Generated Content".

No part of the Site or the Content may be copied and/or redistributed in any manner. Any use of data miners, robots, and crawlers which negatively affects the user experience or the performance of the Site are prohibited.

The user of the Service owns the output (generated PDF, Builder output) and redistribution rights to the User Content and the User Generated Content.

Your Use of the Service

You may use the Site to:

  • Create an account.
  • Use the Build App.
  • Send feedback, queries, and complaints to us.
  • "Chat" with the Builder and upload PDFs or images to facilitate the creation of your resume.
  • Create a resume and generate a PDF using the Build App.

You may not use the Site to:

  • Cause or potentially cause damage to the usability of the Service or the Site.
  • Generate harmful or offensive content using the Builder or the Build App.
  • Store, record, or host any personal data irrelevant to the creation of a resume that may be harmful or offensive to the user, the Site, or the Service in any manner.

To access the Service you are required to create an account. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your login details.

BuildAResume.chat uses secure architecture and services designed to protect your private information. However, we cannot guarantee absolute security against unauthorized attacks on the Service.


All details and clauses for payments and subscriptions are outlined in the Pricing Page.

Disclaimer and Limitations

Although we strive to ensure our Service produces the highest quality output, we cannot guarantee error-free results for every request. This includes errors in generated PDFs or Builder output caused by technological limitations or the purposeful/accidental use of special characters or phrases.

For any complaints/dissatisfaction with the output, please provide feedbacks at Feedback Page and complaints at Contact Page. We are always ready to here and implement changes that positively impacts the user and the output.

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